Raylee has a multitude of options for in-store events! During store hours, we often host pop-ups in our back Lounge.
During hours + after hours, we are available as an amazing + creative location to host private parties.
You can learn more about private parties at Raylee here.

Are you a maker without your own brick + mortar? Interested in popping up in the back Lounge at Raylee? We love to feature pop-ups or other class-type events at least once a month! If you are interested in having a pop-up event at Raylee, please send us a message and be sure to include your Instagram handle so we can see what you make!


• POCKET MAKING WORKSHOP: Monday, January 20th (4-7pm)

Do you know the oppressive, sexist history of pockets? It's a THING and we're sick of it (you can read a little about it here). Because this is a day that we will DEFINITELY need to be in community, we are hosting a Pocket Making Workshop with our sewing expert Ellen. Here's how it will work:

  • Bring in an item of clothing that you feel could use an extra pocket (make sure it is something like a sweatshirt or a skirt that doesn't need to be taken apart to add the pocket; pants won't work).
  • Ellen will be joining us with pocket patterns, an assortment of pocket fabrics generously donated by Josephine's Dry Goods, and a tutorial on what we're doing.
  • As a bonus, we will have some fabric markers from Collage that you can use to write any revolutionary messages you feel need to be added to the insides (or outsides) of your pockets.
  • With pockets pinned in place, Ellen will take everyone's projects home with her and do the sewing, returning them to Raylee for pickup at a later date. We are asking for $12/pocket to go to Ellen for her sewing expertise.
  • There will also be plenty of sips + shops + conversations to be had!

• Alterations at Raylee: Sunday, January 26th (12-4pm)

Bring in your alterations needs to sewing specialist Ellen. This is a walk-in, first-come, first-served format, so don't miss out! Learn more here!

• STYLE MASTERCLASS: Tuesday, January 28th (6:30-8:30pm)

At the next in our series of Style Masterclasses, we'll cover Trends for 2025 - and how to incorporate them into your wardrobe to look stylish and contemporary, not trendy. If you haven't made it to one of our classes yet, don't let this one pass you by! It's fun and informative and whether you are a style novice or a true fashionphile, we make the topics accessible and interesting for everyone!
Reserve your class spot here!

• Galentine's Day Event: Thursday, February 13th 

Stay tuned for details!